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11 Oct 2013

Bacterial Keratitis Clinical Presentation


Patients with microorganism inflammation sometimes complain of fast onset of pain, photophobia, and minimized vision. it's necessary to document an entire general and ocular history in these patients to spot any potential risk factors that might have created them at risk of develop this infection, together with the following:

  •  contact wear (Note the sort of lens, sporting time, and sort of medical care system.)
  •     Trauma (including previous tissue layer surgery)
  •     Use of contaminated ocular medications
  •  minimized medical specialty defenses
  •  liquid tear deficiencies
  •     Recent tissue layer illness (herpetic inflammation, neurotrophic keratopathy)
  •     Structural alteration or position of the eyelids

9 Oct 2013

Seaweed Benefits for the Healty

Seaweed benefits for our body or health , is not in doubt . Seaweed benefits for the body is true. For those of you who like or hobbies consume seaweed appeared to have efficacy million benefit for the body . Nahhh as we discussed today about the benefits of seaweed to the body . Research conducted by Sheffield Hallam University is using seaweed as a whole , instead of using seaweed extract . Function seaweed as a salt substitute because it has a salty taste . Bread is served also does not contain any salt because the function has been replaced by seaweed .

Manfaat Rumput Laut

Manfaat rumput laut untuk tubuh atau kesehatan kita, memang tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Manfaat rumput laut untuk tubuh sangatlah benar adanya. Bagi anda yang suka atau hobi mengkonsumsi rumput laut ternyata memiliki khasiat sejuta manfaat bagi tubuh. Nahhh seperti yang kita bahas sekarang tentang manfaat rumput laut untuk tubuh. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Sheffield Hallam University ini menggunakan rumput laut secara utuh, bukan menggunakan ekstrak rumput laut. Rumput laut berfungsi sebagai pengganti garam karena memiliki rasa yang asin. Roti yang disajikan juga sama sekali tidak mengandung garam sebab fungsinya sudah diganti oleh rumput laut.

Honey Bonefite for Healty

Before antibiotics were discovered in the 1930s, honey was used in the treatment of various diseases. With the shift to modern medicine man, honey increasingly marginalized role. Lately when many bacteria become resistant to drugs, a lot of people "back to nature" by using honey in treatment.
What are the benefits of honey? Here are 7 benefits of honey for health:

1. Cure wounds and ulcers.
Honey for centuries has been used for the treatment of wounds and ulcers. Honey contains glucose and an enzyme called glucose oxidase. In the right conditions, can break down glucose oxidase of honey glucose into hydrogen peroxide, a substance that is a powerful antiseptic. Honey in the packaging can not do this reaction. To be active and break down glucose honey, glucose oxidase requires a pH of 5.5 to 8.0 and the environment with sodium. PH pure honey which ranged between 3.2 and 4.5 is too low to activate the enzyme. Skin and body fluids (eg blood) has a relatively high pH and contains sodium so as to provide the right conditions for the formation of hydrogen peroxide.

Manfaat Madu bagi Kesehatan

Sebelum antibiotik ditemukan pada 1930-an , madu digunakan dalam pengobatan berbagai penyakit . Dengan pergeseran manusia kedokteran modern, madu kian terpinggirkan peran . Akhir-akhir ini ketika banyak bakteri menjadi resisten terhadap obat-obatan, banyak orang " kembali ke alam " dengan menggunakan madu dalam pengobatan .
Apa manfaat madu ? 
Berikut adalah 7 manfaat madu bagi kesehatan :

1 Oct 2013

Pleural Effusion


The space is fringed by the membrane bone and visceral pleurae. The pleura covers the inner surface of the bodily cavity, together with the bodily cavity, diaphragm, and ribs. The pleura envelops all respiratory organ surfaces, together with the interlobar fissures. the correct and left serous membrane areas square measure separated by the bodily cavity.

The space plays a very important role in respiration by coupling the movement of the chest wall therewith of the lungs in a pair of ways in which. First, a relative vacuum within the area keeps the visceral and membrane bone pleurae in shut proximity. Second, the tiny volume of serous membrane fluid, that has been calculated at zero.13 mL/kg of weight underneath traditional circumstances, is a lubricating substance to facilitate movement of the serous membrane surfaces against one another within the course of respirations.[2] This little volume of fluid is maintained through the balance of hydraulics and oncotic pressure and humour drain, a disturbance of which can result in pathology.[3]